Pets of the Math Brain Lab

Neptune (Mike's dog) visits the lab on a semi-regular basis, with his scientific interests focused primarily on treat discovery and nap optimization. If you see him around campus, he'd love to get some pets and play fetch with you!

Ambrosia is Cynthia's research assistant and supports her PhD journey!

Amara is Cynthia's other cat assistant!

Bash is very supportive of his sister, Rae! He loves that she studies math because that means she can count up the right amount of treats to give him! In his spare time, he likes to snuggle on the couch and hunt leaves and sticks in the wild!

Luna has been with Rae through her entire PhD (and long before that!). She loves getting brushed and shouting at her family (she's pretty deaf, so it's not her fault!). She can't wait to see what the MBL does next!

Maze can't wait to move in with Rae when she finishes her PhD. She has been patiently waiting! She loves snacks and rubbing on Rae's laptop to tell her it's time to take a break from work!

Smidge (Lucas) is a goofy (but sweet!) Biewer Terrier who often likes to view the world upside down.

Elmer (Bijan's dog) is 8 - Elmer looks good in a pair of glasses and runs into screen doors at an alarming frequency. Elmer has never once learnt his lesson, both with respect to screen doors and with respect to literally anything else. Elmer weighs 120 pounds, is constructed primarily of dense muscle, and will let you know these facts with a running tackle as soon as you meet him.

Peanut (Bijan's dog) is 15, and as this photo demonstrates, Peanut has seen some things during her time on this Earth. Peanut, like her brother Elmer, is the canine embodiment of "the lights are on, but nobody is home". In spite of this, she manages to be perfectly loveable in every way (with the exception of her breath, which has been classified by the WHO as a Class I-A Toxic Substance).

Stormy is more interested in people (specifically people paying attention to her) than other cats. This works out in her favor because people are generally more interested in Stormy than in other people (or cats). She was never meant for the outdoors (just look at those eyes). Instead, she is a Grade A biscuit-maker. She loves her babysitter (Lauren) because she feeds her and provides a comfy place to nap after the strenuous process of doing nothing. She will always let you know when she is hungry (which is always), however, very vocally. This also applies to her purring. It never stops. She is quite possibly one of the sweetest little creatures you will ever meet!